Sunday, April 18, 2010

First Chapter

Has anyone out there ever experienced the amazing feeling of accomplishing something for the first time? Its a great feeling isn't it? I absolutely love that feeling, and wish i could experience it every day. Unfortunately, thats just not possible.
Now have any of you ever failed at something? I'm sure all of us have been there too, huh? It is not a very good feeling, in fact it kinda sucks. Unfortunately, this feeling seems to happen alot more frequently. Sad how that works isn't it?
Why is that? Why is it that we seem to fail alot more than succeed?
I happen to think it's all in the attitude! Instead of counting a mistake as a failure, why don't we instead think of it as practice for the next time? Thomas Edison, when asked why he didn't give up on the light bulb after 5,000 failures, said,"I haven't failed, I now have five thousand ways how not to make a lightbulb. Now, I just need to find one way that works."

Natinal Treasure

So, instead of dwelling in our failures, lets adopt Edisons attitude and just count them as mistakes and move on.

Thanks for reading, this is perpetual_confusion, signing off

1 comment:

  1. Well said.=-) That feeling of accomplishment is driving my current writing. And it is certainly driving yours.

    "Great things are accomplished by talented people who believe they will accomplish them."
    Warren G. Bennis

    "Then give to the world the best you have, And the best will come back to you."
    Madeline Bridges, from Life's Mirror
