Sunday, August 8, 2010


Its about time! Finally, I;m starting to write again! its such a releaf to get all that stuff out on paper that has been clouding my mind for so long! AH! the sweet release of words! Its so incredible, those of you that write know what Im talking about, right?
Its the absolute best feeling, getting those words on paper, feeling all the things your characters feel, hurting when they hurt, loving what they love. You quite literally become your character and sometimes its like they are writing you instead of the other way around! I can't tell you how much of my life has changed because of the characters I've written. It's almost like they become alive and real, they aren't just characters anymore, but real people with real feelings. They become my friends, my close confidants. I can't tell you how many arguments I've had with some of my more stubborn characters over which direction the story will take. No, I'm not crazy, I just sometimes want things to go differently than the character. You'd have to be there I guess. Thanks for for reading, just wanted to tell you that I'm wrinting again.

This is perpetual_confusion signing off.

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