Sunday, May 30, 2010


My life is completely and utterly non existant. I can't come up with any stories! Non of my ideas are coming out right, non of them! Argh! I am so frustrated by my complete lack of competence! Blah!
Well. at least I've got a couple of semi-ok poems lately, which is nice since I haven't written a decent poem in over a year, so thats good at least. But I just wish my stories were coming out the same way! Grrrr!
Well, thats all for now i guess, thanks for reading!

This is perpetual_confusion signing off

Friday, May 14, 2010

utter frustration!

as i have been quick to point out when i started this blog, I love writing! But lately I haven't written a thing! I keep trying but no words come! Its so frustrating I swear! I just wish i knew exactly how to get the words in my head out on paper, but it seems whenever I try, it doesn't come out right. I just wish I knew whAT TO DO! Oye its so frustrating!
Ok, enough about my complaining, I'm good now, I just needed to get that out so I can concentrate. Sometimes I get so bogged down by my frustrations that they cloud my writing. Now my frustrations are out so its back to the drawing board....or in this case writing desk! HAHA! Ok, well thanks for listening to my frustrations, its nice to have someone listening...or reading as the case may be. Thanks again and enjoy your weekend.

OH, and if anyone has any writing advice I really appriciate it! Thanks!

This is perpetual_confusion signing out